Tuesday, March 18, 2008

From a Flickr to a Flame ...out

I provide this as evidence that I spent about an hour trying to upload an image from Flickr ... Hence the reference to 'flameout ....'!!
It was of a child reading to an adult with a dog listening in - useful example of the value of a pet/therapy animal as a target audience for a non-confident reader. And another argument in favour of a library 'pet' .. I once knew a library dog which rejoiced in the name of Gumbles and was probably the most petted dog in town!
Actually the first challenge in this exercise was to find a Flickr photo with the magic 'blog this' button - this was not my first choice by a long way!
Good luck to anyone else who is finding this exercise 'sticky' - the local CTC manager had never uploaded from Flickr so there wasn't much help available!

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